
Timberline Log Exteriors
PO Box 447
Gilcrest CO 80623
(we have a PO Box because the USPS doesn’t deliver here, like Mayberry)


Physical Address
19240 Highway 85
Gilcrest, CO 80623
(Don’t just drop in, call first)


Phone 303-514-9192


The best way to contact us is by e-mail. You are more than welcome to call, I have a lot of noisy machinery and sometimes can’t hear the phone. This is a small business that can’t justify having someone sitting by the phone and I am not willing to farm it out to India.

Fill out the contact form below and when I get new products or come up with a great idea I will let you know. I am starting a monthly newsletter shortly because I do not blog very well. Don’t worry, I will not e-mail you from India 3 times a day like everyone has done to me. Thank goodness for unsubscribe.

If you want me to call, just leave your phone number and a best time to call in the message area of the contact form.

Thank You
Lance Clymer

